
Graphene Nanoplatelets as Saturable Absorber for Mode-locked Fiber Laser Generation

Noor Ummi Hazirah Hani Binti Zalkepali, Noor Azura Awang, Yushazlina Roshaini Yuzaile, Zahariah Zakaria, Amirah Abdul Latif, Fauzan Ahmad

The passively mode-locked erbium doped fiber laser (EDFL) using graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) as saturable absorber (SA) is proposed and demonstrated experimentally in this paper.A twin detector method is applied to measure the nonlinear absorption of the SA by using a handmade mode-locked fiber laser as an input source. The input source has a repetition rate and pulse width of 16.80 MHz and 500 ps, respectively. Hence,the GNPs-SA displaysa modulation depth and saturation intensity of 27.7% and 0.017 MW/cm2, respectively. A simple fiber laser design is created to realize mode-locking in the C-band region by inserting GNPs-SA in the laser cavity. The output pulses have a repetition rate of 21.36 MHz, pulse duration of 593.9 ps, and central wavelength of 1559.26 nm at pump power of 86.3 mW.

Volume 12 | 02-Special Issue

Pages: 602-607

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201110