The increase in human needs in the economic field is very fast, it is influenced by the lifestyle of people who want to be fast and practical. Practical human life encourages consumption behavior, often occurs in almost all aspects, especially in the field of industrial processing and food. Activate the human mentality to use materials that are easy to find and practical, such as the use of plastic in the industrial and food fields. It is very bad because when the use of plastic is not followed by processing, it will become plastic waste and will be dangerous for humans and the environment. The most popular one is the pyrolysis process which is an option of waste to energy concept that eventually produce biofuel for car engine and purpose of this investigation is to reduce plastic waste by processing it to be useful for other activities, such as fuel. This research focuses on investigating the types of PP plastic waste and the types of HDPE plastic that have different properties. After analyzing the types of PP plastic and the types of HDPE plastic, it was discovered that waste of the HDPE type produces more plastic oil than the types of PP plastic.
Volume 12 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 572-577
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201106