In a series of vegetative experiments on soddy-podzolic sandy loam soil, the effect of a new organomineral complex GUMITON on barley productivity and the intake of 137Cs and Cd into grain from contaminated soil was studied. It is shown that the treatment of vegetating plants with GUMITON increased the grain weight by 17-21% and reduced the accumulation of 137Cs by barley grain by 1.2 times. Treatment GUMITON of barley plants did not influence the contents and ratio of forms of 137Cs in the soil. Treatment with GUMITON of vegetating barley plants on soil containing Cd6 mg/kg, contributed to an increase in grain weight by 14-21% compared to the variant without the introduction of the drug. Spraying with GUMITON caused a decrease in the accumulation of Cd by barley grain in 1,40-1,65 times. GUMITON is a highly effective organo-mineral complex, both on the impact on the productivity of grain crops and on the reduction of toxicants (radionuclides and heavy metals) in grain on soddypodzolic soils.
Volume 12 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 543-549
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201103