
Empowering Financial Architecture, Dividend and Value of Firm

I. Wayan Widnyana, I. Nengah Sudja, B.S. Dominicus Djoko and I. Wayan Suarjana

This study aims not only to analyze and clarify the impacts of the financial architecture (finarc) measurement comprising of ownership structure (onwstruc), capital structure (capstruc) and corporate governance (corgov) toward value of firm, but also to add dividends (div) that affect value of firm (vafirm). Both of them; finarc models and dividends are seen as investor guidelines for determining the target companies for their investments. This think about was conducted at companies recorded within the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2018 utilizing auxiliary information sources, comprising of 543 firm, of which 83 firm as a test since it has total data. Method of analysis utilized is analysis of multiple linear regression, analysis of determination and t-test with SPSS V.23 program. The comes about appeared that the finarc, capstruc, corgov and div have positive significant impact on vafirm.

Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue

Pages: 538-543

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201101