Insufficient development of components and procedural aspects of scientific and pedagogical reflection causes a lot of problems encountered in the process of writing and defending by competitors the degrees of dissertational and final qualification works. It positions the necessity of projecting the ideas of pedagogical science in the format of methodological reflection - as a procedure carried out by a graduate student and a competitor of a scientific degree in pedagogy in the planning and implementation of a dissertation research, writing a text of scientific and qualification work. The development of the reflexive content of the methodological activity of the applicant for a master's and candidate's degree, its specific forms that contribute to the improvement of the quality of dissertational research, is the purpose of this article.The methodological outline of the research presented in the article can be drawn as a chain, including: scientific and literary analysis of the problem field of reflection; the isolation of the degree of development of this field as an integral structure and in various segments that appeared in the primary analysis; highlighting one of the insufficiently developed relevant for pedagogical theory and practice segments and its author's content; comprehension of the obtained results with a prospectus of possible ways of further research of the disclosed topic. Among the research methods used, we consider it possible to include analysis of literature on the topic of the work, a theoretical substantive generalization, heuristic synthesis, the formulation of a hypothesis on the possible meaningful and activity filling of the field of reflection of undergraduates and applicants for degrees in pedagogy, an indication of the way of its experimental verification with a prospectus of further approaches to the study of the disclosed topic. The necessity to improve the quality of the result of the pedagogical dissertation research determines the included participation of the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at all stages of the research and work on the text in reflexive activities, in contrast to the fragmentary and inefficient participation that is currently taking place. Analysis of our own practice of writing dissertations on pedagogy and the practice of colleagues shows that such reflexive activities are carried out both in the process of mass education through postgraduate and graduate programs, and in the process of individual counseling and includes: a) understanding of the correctness of the wording of the relevance of the topic of work; b) comprehension of ways of putting forward hypotheses; c) the identification of the possibility to code the novelty of the result by means of special lexical clichés, distinguishing it from the result itself; d) revealing the degree of conformity of the result and the process of its achievement to the criteria of scientific character and, first of all, to the requirements of verifiability and falsifiability; e) the reflexive positioning of the process of achieving the result in the format of purposeful creative activity.
Volume 12 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 221-231
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201064