
Reliability Analysis Of Cyber Physical Distribution System Considering Mitm Attacks

Sripati Neelima, P. Srinivasa Varma, V. Kiran Babu

Study of an active cyber physical distribution system incorporated with an Intrusion Tolerant System (ITS) in detail is presented in this paper. Cyber-attacks by intruding into the distribution system are affecting the reliability of the overall power system. Semi Markov Process (SMP) analysis is used to illustrate the process of either penetration or normal attacks done against the ITS by modelling the transition probabilities in between states of SMP and by evaluating mean sojourn time of each SMP state in order to find Mean Time To Compromise (MTTC) of the system. Then Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is used to find the reliability of the given 8 bus test system. Finally, all the distribution system reliability indices with and without cyber-attack are calculated for the given test system. The obtained results show the impact of cyber-attacks on physical distribution system

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 118-129

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S202010014