Mostly Inverters are of step-up type converters. Generally inverters are considered as VSI but here in VSI an extra stepup type chopper is essential to eliminate it's step down limitation. Recent studies put more concentration on ZSI which is as single stage DC-AC converter, which means it doesn't require boosting stage. Recent studies put more concentration on impedance or Z source inverter (ZSI), which is a single stage inverter that means it doesn’t require boosting stage. In this paper split source inverter (SSI) is implemented which is a single stage converter. The SSI is designed to reduce the cost, size and weight of the inverter. The major drawback of the SSI compared to ZSI is, like as VSI there should be sufficient dead-time. The dead-time effects are resulted in distortion in the output current and unwanted characteristics. So, in this paper generated delay time is reduced for SSI because, the switching logic is same as like VSI.
Volume 12 | Issue 2
Pages: 69-79
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201009