
Game Theory Techniques for Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Network Resource Allocation

Kethavath Narender and Dr.C. Puttamadappa

Femtocell (FC) improves the quality of service and data rates by providing high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in small coverage area. In spite of the considerable number of advantages, there are still a few difficulties that should be addressed, for example, impedance administration between FC and the overlaying macrocell (MC) and the Resources Allocation (RA) among the two tiers. The strategy fabricate a complete reasonable structure that overcomes the constraints of past research work, such as resource underutilization because of the equivalent transmitted power per subcarrier in MC, and absence of FC selection mechanism that concede access to public clients without denying their own supporters. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is a promising candidate for proficient spectrum sharing methods as it takes out intracell impedance. The objective of the proposed method is to allocate the optimal RA for two-tier networks by using game theory applications to achieve the network throughput. The proposed game theory approach implements Nash-Equilibrium for cooperative users and Parto Optimality for noncooperative users for finding optimal solutions. Simulations are conducted under realistic scenarios where user mobility and resource reservation are taken into account. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with a neural network, gentic algorithm, cuckoo search, bee colony techniques.

Volume 11 | Issue 1

Pages: 266-273