
Calculating of Composite Indexes for Corporate Financial Architecture: It’s Impact Toward Company’s Performance of Financial

I Wayan Widnyana, I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, Luh Gede Sri Artini and Ida Bagus Panji Sedana

Corporate financial architecture (finarch) research has been using simultaneous analysis to determine the effect together, however this study uses a composite index. This research means to dissect and clarify the impacts of corporate finarch consist of three dimension: ownership structure (ownstruc), capital structure (capstruc), corporate governance (corgov) toward company’s performance of financial (forfin). Explanation this examination is led exhaustively is to get an all-out estimation of corporate financial architecture worked from different measurements, along these lines giving a total and coordinated point of view on the money related framework inside an organization. This investigation was coordinated within the non-financial area organizations recorded within the 2016 IDX by utilizing assistant data sources, through the assessment totaling of 537 organizations, that 331 organizations have add up to data. Estimation of finarch utilized composite index. Expository techniques utilized is direct relapse examination, assurance investigation and t-test. Outcomes found that corporate finarch has positive and significant impact on the company’s forfin.

Volume 12 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 814-817

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP3/20201322