Test suite reduction has become an important problem in software quality management required for minimizing the time and expense incurred software testing. A couple of technical works have been designed for the generation and optimization of test suites. But, the performance of optimization was not quite up-to-the mark. With the aim of getting over these disadvantages, Tabu Search Prioritized Ant Colony Metaheuristic Optimization based Dynamic Symbolic Genetic (TSPACMO-DSG) approach is proposed. At first, the Tabu Search Prioritized Ant Colony Metaheuristic (TSPACM) scheme is used for generating the test suite. TSPACM technique chooses the optimum test cases for the test suite generation. Then TSPACMO-DSG approach uses Dynamic Symbolic Genetic Algorithm (DSGA) for the test suite minimization where the number of test suites developed gets optimized depending on the fault coverage rate. TSPACMO-DSG approach improves the software program quality economically. The result of experiments depicts that TSPACMO-DSG approach is enhances the coverage rate and reduces the time taken for the test suite generation in comparison with benchmarked works
Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue
Pages: 324-336
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201079