Purpose of the study: In the digital era, social media are used globally, not only in developed countries but also in emerging countries such as India, China, and South America. Predominantly, social media are used as the best marketing proposal, as it can reach a huge audience with low cost. Social media consists of communication websites that aids in establishing a relationship between users from various backgrounds, ensuring a rich social organization. Social media is also helping to fuel the global economy by creating new jobs, democratizing information and pushing brands far beyond their borders. Findings: “Information systems are the combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications systems that people construct and use to gather, create, and allocate useful data, characters in an organizational background”. An information System that supports the sharing of content among the networks of the users is termed as Social Media Information System (SMIS). Regrettably, some people utilize Social media to deleteriously target people via scams or by adjusting accounts on Facebook, through email or counterfeit websites. This makes social media a profitable and attractive objective for criminals and people with a mischief motive. One of the most efficient methods is creating a fake account. Scammers lay down counterfeit social media records to impersonate as corporate marquees and deceive fans. Originality: This paper examines the susceptibility of social network customers to identity burglary when they contribute personal identification information (PII) online and how it l impacts the economy in emerging countries. Identity criminals use social network customers and the vulnerabilities of social networking locations, collect information required to commit identity theft and cheat using this knowledge.
Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue
Pages: 311-316
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201077