The main purpose of the study is to foster civic engagement by soliciting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies from the vulnerable populations of Legazpi City, Philippines which includes children, youth, elderly, persons with disability (PWDs) as well as pregnant and lactating mothers who are the most vulnerable to disaster. Such collected responses are subjected to computer-assisted thematic analysis to identify patterns in the said corpus using topic modeling and manual analysis. The principal topic for each of the groups starting with the children’s group are Activities for Children having the Dirichlet parameter of 24.90%; for the youth, Involvement in DRR with 22.60%; for the PWDs, Capacity Building with 21.49%; for the elderly, Capacity Building with 24.60% and for the pregnant and lactating mother, Signs of Labor with 27.38%. Findings revealed that common to all the five groups is the need for capacity building and assistance which include healthcare for the pregnant, child-focused activities for children, utilization of technology for the youth, accessible facilities for both the PWDs and elderly whose lessons learned from past experiences on disasters is worth taking in consideration. Results shall be discussed with concerned officials for consideration on possible program enhancement for a more inclusive disaster risk management approach in the development and implementation of DRR plans and policies.
Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue
Pages: 277-284
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201073