
Citizen-Centric Driven Approach on Disaster Resilience Priority Needs through Text Mining

Lany L. Maceda and Dr. Thelma D. Palaoag

The Philippines is a country prone to natural disasters such as floods, earthquake and volcanic eruption. At present, Legazpi City is investing in disaster resilience as the top most priority program of action among others. The study observed Participatory Action Research (PAR) by employing a stratified random sampling, Key Informant Interview (KII), and Topic Modelling using Latent Dirichlet Algorithm (LDA), thus, from 662 data sets, after filtering and cleaning, this resulted to 649 unique instances that were used for thematic analysis. Through text mining, results showed that majority of the vulnerable groups including the youth regardless of the hazard type suggested that in times of disaster, an emergency items should be in their get go bags such as canned goods, water, cell phone, portable radio, first aid kit, flashlight, medicines, hygiene kit, important documents, slippers, extra clothing, match and lighter, and money. Other emergency items can be optional depending on their personal preferences. With similar parameters, the topic models generated were sufficient relief goods and disaster facility, availability of emergency supplies and transportation, information dissemination on evacuation sites, adequate evacuation center, and disaster resiliency campaigns. Cascading of necessary information to community members is being suggested. A symbol of resilience among community members can be achieved if the community members are well-informed, aware of the evacuation plan, always ready with emergency bags, and routinely conduct inspection of their home infrastructure. The results were presented to community experts for inclusion in their contingency disaster management plan and development of mobile app pre-crisis mapping.

Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue

Pages: 268-276

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201072