
Catanduanes Abaca Fiber Production Information Base Design: A Groundwork for GIS-Based Application

Belen M. Tapado and Thelma D. Palaoag

widespread use of Information and Communication Technology in the cyber-physical farm management cycle paved way to today’s spectacle termed as “smart farming”. Such idea was shaped by the use of emerging technologies such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, satellite technology and Geographic Information System (GIS) which leads to introduction of robots and artificial intelligence to farming. The use of these smart farming tools enabled the agricultural producers to collect huge data about their farms- soil, water usage, fertilizer, climatic condition and crop yields. Capturing, storing, organizing and analyzing these gigantic data needs modern techniques such as database management system (DBMS) and data analytics. Employing smart farming technique such as DBMS as part of farming practice brought significant contribution to agricultural productivity especially for abaca fiber production which is the lifeblood of every Catandunganon. Designing an information base have brought significant impact on planning, farming and propagating more abaca fibers which compeled the local abaca stakeholders and authorities in Catanduanes to join hands in scheming comprehensive and technology-enabled government programs to assist the abaca farmers thus vibrancy of abaca industry is sustained in the locale.

Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue

Pages: 260-267

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201071