
RASCH Model in Validating Indonesian Student Literacy based on PIRLS Data

Safitri Yosita Ratri and Anwar Senen

This article addresses the procedures of Rasch Model analysis to validate the reading literacy based on Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) Test in 2006 and 2011 among Indonesian students. The study provides a preliminary analysis in Rasch Model as certain degree to which PIRLS questionnaires measure student attributes in reading literacy. Validated data can be used by students as instruments before conducting further analysis. Two identified factors were scored namely student factor and school factor. Fourth grade primary-school students (aged 9 to 11 years old) from government schools and non-government schools throughout Indonesia involved as participant in the PIRLS data. Findings of the research revealed that subscales in PIRLS Data factors of student and school in 2011 scale has an undimensionality so it is ready to be analyzed into hierarchical linear analysis to investigate Indonesian student literacy characteristics.

Volume 12 | 01-Special Issue

Pages: 116-120

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201054