
UWB Antenna with Dual Notch Functionality for Reducing VSWR

Vrince Vimal, Bhaskar Nautiyal and Parul Goyal

Ultra wideband (UWB) antennas are being used extensively in medical sciences due to high resolution and precise results. UWB antenna is based on a RF expertise that may employ very little energy level for high-bandwidth communications for short distances covering a wide area of the radio spectrum. In this paper planar UWB antenna with 3.494/5.258 GHz notched with dual band features is designed and examined. The antenna which is proposed in the paper contains a patch and a revised ground plane. To implement dual band notch features in the patch a T shape slot is cut and two parasitic strips having U-shaped are employed alongside the feed line. The designed antenna provides a heavy attenuation at the notched frequency which can be visualized by the results of VSWR and return loss which are highly desired for higer end applications. The designed ultrawideband antenna having at two bands at 3.323-3.791 GHz and 5.094-5.427 GHz respectively.

Volume 12 | Issue 3

Pages: 91-96

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I3/20201170