This article presents the harmonization of cybercrime arrangements in criminal law. Harmonization of cybercrime arrangements in criminal law is carried out by harmonizing the substance of criminal acts both internal harmonization, namely harmonization between the Criminal Code as general rules and legislation outside the Criminal Code as special rules, as well as external harmonization, namely harmonization of the Criminal Code with regional and international provisions in the field of Cybercrime. In addition it is necessary to harmonize the policy formulation on cybercrime in an integrated manner in the Criminal Code or formulated in a special law and the urgency of harmonizing criminal provisions in the field of information technology is to create criminal provisions in accordance with the characteristics of crimes in the field of information technology perpetrators of crimes in the field of information technology, victims crimes in the field of information technology, and Indonesian society along with their values of wisdom and expected norms in the provisions of law and the international community.
Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue
Pages: 2949-2953