At the national level, an environmentally oriented economy enhances the competitiveness of the nation by improving the environment, improving the quality and increasing the life expectancy of the population. As a rule, environmentally oriented production in a single enterprise or industry cannot produce immediate benefits, while at the district, oblast or province level such benefits are more obvious, even if they do not always immediately gain a clear economic assessment. The above is most relevant for an agricultural crop such as potatoes because potatoes are not a global crop - they are generally poorly transported and a large proportion of production finds its consumer within the country. Also, due to its non-global nature, this agricultural product is sensitive to local features. Our article reflects the current state of potato growing in the world. The data on processing and potato market in Russia and Bryansk region are presented. The efficiency of potato cultivation technologies is considered taking into account the diversity of climatic and organizational- economic conditions of the region (on the example of the Bryansk region).
Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 412-418