
Digital Competences of Administrative and Management Personnel: Problems of Identification and Prospects of Formation in the Context of the Economy Digitalization

N.V. Borovskikh and E.A. Kipervar

The issues of formation of digital competences in the administrative and management personnel in the context of the economy digitalization have been reviewed in the article. The goal of the study was to justify the directions of the formation of digital competences in the administrative and management personnel based on their content identification. Digital competences are defined as skills and abilities of a specialist, consisting in the use of information and telecommunication technologies in solving professional tasks, since information is the dominant object of professional activity of senior executives. It has been revealed that it is important for employees to master professional and supra vocational skills in the context of digitalization, including cognitive, socio emotional, and digital ones. Possession of supra vocational skills is determined by the need to develop the employees' adaptability and learning skills. The changes occurring in the external and internal labor markets in the context of digitalization of the economy have been noted. The results of the analysis of the local labor market have been presented, the conclusion has been made that high requirements in the field of digital knowledge are presented by trade enterprises and companies from the oil and gas sector. The results of the study have allowed to draw a list of competences for senior executives in the digital economy: basic knowledge of the domain and specialized expertise; knowledge of the main trends in technology development; knowledge of technology and data skills; skills in planning, forecasting and modeling using the information and communication technology (ICT); knowledge of organizational change management techniques; project management skills; communication skills; experience in creating departments and project teams; experience in restructuring business processes, management systems; and leadership skills. Actualization and accumulation of knowledge in the field of digital technologies should be based on the use of various forms of training and information exchange, such as participation in Russian and international conferences, hackathons, meet ups, and other events with the purpose of sharing experiences.

Volume 11 | 11-Special Issue

Pages: 90-99

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP11/20192933