
An Effective System for Universal Noise Removal Using Switching Bilateral Filters

S. Asha, Dr.S.U. Aswathy, Dr. Bibin Vincent and Dr. Teena Joseph

A key issue facing in medical image processing is to effectively expel clamor from an image while maintaining its image features flawless. To accomplish great visual picture quality, it is significant that the noise filter not only replaces boisterous pixels but also preserves the edge. The proposed switching bilateral filter (SBF) drives between the Gaussian and impulse modes. SBF demonstrates generally excellent outcomes in expelling uniform impulse noise, salt-and-pepper noise and Gaussian noise effectively and furthermore, it also evacuates Gaussian noise with salt-and-pepper, all types of salt and pepper, mixed noise with consistent impulse noise.

Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue

Pages: 1422-1429

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192987