
Computerized Situated Agent as Mediator in Centralized Computing Market

Ali Obied*. Muatamed Abed Hajer, Ali Hussein Hasan

Situated autonomic software or agents can be envisaged as a system which acts and/or reacts autonomously to external stimuli, perceived from sensing itself and/or its environment. The design of computer systems, or agents, situated in dynamic environments is of considerable practical and theoretical importance[1, 2]. This article shows how we can use the EBDI-POMDPagent as a meta-level reasoning to reconsider its intention; our algorithmin the large looks at the tradeoff between deliberation and action, to investigate how an computerized agent makes such a choiceeffectively.Such us; how we use our computerized agent EBDI-POMDP agent in ALN in double auction as centralize meta-manager. Using EBDI-POMDP mediator and/or observer where the observer system forms a separated concern as meta-system to reason on the whole system topology. Also, in context of social reputation EBDI-POMDP agent as social reputation advisor, a decision theoretic framework in which a buyer can ask other advisors (buyers) to accumulate information about a seller’s reputation and eventually make a purchase.

Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue

Pages: 344-350