This paper focuses on collaborative approach of segmentation with concept of gis primarily. Different algorithm with enhanced methodologies have been used in order to get the better accuracy ,This paper aims at opf approach with its past detail and aims at designing and classify at the same time different segmentation model with the application of gis. Application of gis comes naturally as the whole work is remote sensing oriented and based on remote sensing image database. . The paper has focussed to access the performance of a novel enhanced OPF applied in image classification and segmentation Remote sensing database is preprocessed first using de-correlation stretches then classifications has been performed using algorithm like DBSCAN along with OPF model for better accuracy result has been generated for first classification domain called vegetation ,water bodies building and waste land segmentation using gis concept would be generated in future scope of the work.
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 1210-1218
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192965