Because, the data security is the major basic relates of distributed computing, the tremendous develop of the cloud computing environments requires novel architecture for security services. Encryption is a universal way to defend private data and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) distinguishes a lot of vindictive activities that bargain the honesty, classification, or accessibility of data assets. Hence, by developing use of both encryption and IDS security approaches, we have suggested an innovative and effective technique for endowing incredibly superior protected storage information to the cloud framework. The suggested encryption module is built by Homomorphic encryption algorithm and the suggested IDS are constructed from altered Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach, where, the traditional ANN is raised by optimal weight selection by Whale Optimization algorithm (WOA). In the working platform of Java software, the suggested intrusion recognition and encryption based secure cloud data storage method is performed with the help of the Cloud test system.
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 1154-1166
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192959