
Effects of Green Chemistry Based Interactive Multimedia on the Students' LearningOutcomesand Scientific Literacy

Saprizal Hadisaputra, Gunawan Gunawan,Muhammad Yustiqvar

This study aimed to develop effective green chemistry-based interactive multimedia to improve students' mastery of concepts and scientific literacy. The research type is a research development using the 4D development model. The research was conducted at a high school in Lombok Indonesia which involved a control and experiment group. Pretest and posttest were given by researchers to test students' mastery of concepts and scientific literacy in chemistry. The effectiveness analysis was performed using the N-Gain test. The results showed that the mastery of concepts and scientific literacy of students in the experimental class was higher than in the control class. Testing the concept of mastery of the experimental class obtained an average score of 77% with high improvement criteria, whereas the control class obtained an average score of 68% with moderate improvement criteria. The scientific literacy of students in the experimental class received an average score of 85% with high improvement criteria, while the control class received a mean score of 65% with moderate improvement criteria. In conclusion, green chemistry-based multimedia increases the students' mastery of concepts and scientific literacy.

Volume 11 | Issue 7

Pages: 664-674