
Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Resource Allocation in SDN Enabled Virtual Networks in IaaS Cloud Environment

G. Senthil Kumar and Dr.M.P. Chitra

Cloud computing is new computing paradigm to provides reliable, user-free and quality aware dynamic environment for end-users. Such environments affected by problems that related with data transfer are network bandwidth, response time and minimum delay. The resource allocation plays major role in cloud computing, but fluctuating demand and dynamic nature of resources are affect the performances are efficiency and scalability. In this paper, we propose a hybrid optimization algorithm for resource allocation (HOA-RA) in IaaS cloud environment with software defined network (SDN) enabled virtual networks. The first contribution is to introduce a social cognitive optimization (SCO) algorithm for SDN structure, which imparts flexibility to remove the multiple layers in control plane. Then, to combine the network virtualization principles with cuckoo search optimization (CSO) algorithm to share physical framework to connect with unmistakable master relationship to streamline booking. The flexible access requires gainful natural language processing algorithm (NLP) to improve the system assets; the SDN control plane utilized for proficient association of virtual structures. The result and performance analysis show that the proposed HOA-RA policy performs very efficient in terms of energy efficiency and scalability.

Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue

Pages: 787-802

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192876