
A Study on the Correlation between Code Review and Computer Programming Interest

Jae-Yong Lee

The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between computer programming interest divided into three types and code review for helping bottom-up/top-down processing.This study comparatively analyzed three types of interest (situational interest, individual interest, and latent interest) and code review shown in 39 Korean university students. Reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, and correlation analysis were performed for statistical analysis.In the first and second surveys with eight questions about interest, Cronbach α values were 0.909 and 0.928, respectively. In the surveys with six questions about code review, Cronbach α values were .951 and .974, respectively. This is the limitation of using a survey instead of a scale based on accurate operational definitions, which makes it necessary to develop a scale.In results of analyzing the correlation between interest evaluated by eight questions and code review evaluated by six questions, the first survey showed a value of .338~.667; the second showed of .436~.720. Of interest, in the first survey, the question IQ6 asking about teaching method did not show significant correlation with data integration (CQ2) or grammar (CQ6) of code review while correlations between interest items and code review items in the second survey were all significant at p < .05 or p < .01. This shows that code review is an effective method that could arouse interest in cognitive integration and utilization of advanced abstract concept like computer programming.This study verified the basis of operational definition of computer programming interest and the fact that code review could help the bottom-up/top-down processing process.

Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue

Pages: 2434-2438