At present, sand is the second most useful natural resource in the earth after fresh water. One of the main reason for environmental pollution is disposing waste material in the land and water. Due to this, the waste material reacts with gases (or) water which intern spoils the healthy environmental condition. Day-by-Day demand of sand is exponentially increasing and at the same time environment is also getting spoiled because of disposing waste material in land and water. This paper presents that replacement of sand with waste materials for manufacturing of cement blocks may reduce the environmental pollution and also reduce demand of sand. This paper analyzes feasibility of using different waste materials like recycled building material waste (RCM), copper slag waste (CSW) and egg shell waste (ESW) as a partial replacement of sand for manufacturing cement blocks. Recycled material waste, egg shell waste, copper slag wastes are present in large amounts from the construction industry, food processing industry and copper extraction respectively. According to IS 2185, 90 cement block specimens of size 215mm*105mm*65mm were prepared with partial replacement of sand by recycled material waste (RCM), copper slag waste (CSW) and egg shell waste (ESW) and finally tested to know the variations in compressive strength, density and water absorption rate of blocks different waste materials used in this paper.
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 559-566
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192842