Theory of reasoned action theory is propounded by Martin Fishbein and IcekAjzen in 1975. This theory was developed to explain the relationship between attitude and behaviour. Theory of reasoned actions depends on some factors that affect the individual’s behavioural intention to perform a task. The research is conducted with an aim to find out the factors which enable a customer to buy medical equipment. In order to fulfil the objectives the theory of reasoned action has been considered as the base and the model has been taken as a base. The questionnaire was sent to 450 respondents out of which data was collected from 401 respondents who have recently bought medical equipment with help of a well drafted questionnaire from June 2018 to December 2018. To collect the data the data collectors were sent to the medical store to trace the respondents. Behavioural intention was the most significantly influencing predictor of Attitude followed by subjective norms and the lease influencing predictor was perceived behavioural control while purchasing medical equipment’s. Further attitude is significantly influencing the intention and it the most significant predictor of intention marginally less was the perceived behavioural control for medical equipment’s.
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 449-452
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192830