On-demand ride services is just a game of two minutes where the people have to download an application like Ola, Uber, Lyft etc. instead of chasing for half an hour behind taxis and autos on can conveniently go for a cab ride. Even if a person is cashless an individual can easily enjoy a ride through other means of payments. This paper is an attempt to measure service quality proposed by (Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V., Berry, 1988) and its impact on satisfaction for on-demand ride services. The data was collected from around 1494 respondents using any on-demand ride mobile application form at least six months. The initial questionnaire was pre-tested with around 50 on-demand ride mobile application users. The changes were incorporated in the finalised questionnaire before starting the data collection. It was found that for delivering satisfaction to the on-demand ride users all the dimensions are service quality namely reliability assurance empathy and responsiveness are significant, though for measuring service quality all the five measures are essential.
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 424-428
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192825