The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of students of SMA Negeri 1 Padang about the use of standard Indonesian absorption words the impact of online media. The theory used as a reference in research is understanding perceptions according to Wong et al. (2019), word absorption according to QuinHuang et al. (2019), and word absorption process according to Fernandez (2019). The research method used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. From the results of a study with a sample of 70 students, it was found that 88.6% of the total number of students did not know that the absorption words they used were not standardized and only 11.4% of the total number of students knew that the absorption words they used were standard absorption words. The results showed that the percentage of students who chose more non-standard absorption words was higher than students who used standard absorption words. The findings of the use of standard Indonesian absorption words based on the percentage of high school students in SMA N.1 Padang , namely 1) never used by 0.8%, 2) sometimes used by 4.5%, and 3) students often use 6.1% . The use of uptake is not standard by high school students in SMA N.1 Padang , which is higher, namely 1) 3.3% has never been used, 2) 35.1% is sometimes used, and 3) 50.2% is often used. Based on the results of the study concluded that, students tend to use non-standard Indonesian words of absorption rather than using standard Indonesian words of absorption. Students assume that the words used by students are in accordance with KBBI. One factor students tend to use foreign languages is the influence of social languages and social media and online. It is expected that students in daily communication must use standard Indonesian absorption words because the absorption words already exist in the Big Indonesian Dictionary.
Volume 11 | Issue 7
Pages: 471-475