
Public-Private Partnership: Toll Road Provision as A Public Service in Indonesia

Sugeng Suharto,Sujarwoto

The purpose of this study is to analyze the form of cooperation between the government and private sectors towards providing public service infrastructures. This was investigated with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) approach using a qualitative descriptive method, through an in-depth exploration. In addition, the PPP scheme in Indonesia covers cooperation in transportation infrastructure (toll road construction), electricity (additional infrastructure to increase the thermal generator power by 2000 MW), and water supply (from PAM Jaya). Therefore, the current research tends to focus on providing toll roads as a supporting framework of public transportation.The results showed that during 2015 up to the end of 2019, 894 km had been constructed, encompassing 129 km in 2015, 44 km in 2016, 36 km in 2017, 476 km in 2018, and 209 km as of May 2019. Therefore, the selection of a business entity through the partnership with government in the toll roads operation is conducted by the Indonesia Toll Road Authority or Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol(BPJT). In addition, the procedures for procurement are explained in Presidential Regulation Number 67/2005 and Ministerial Regulation Number PU 13/2010, regarding the planning, the process, determination of winners, and preparation of cooperation agreements.

Volume 11 | Issue 7

Pages: 435-440