This research focuses on executing a quantitative assessment to ascertain the association between organizational Learning and organizational (employees’) readiness for change as perceived by the respondent employees of the study units. The Learning organization (LO) construct consisting of the seven organizational dimensions, from Watkins and Marsick. Organizational readiness for change was identified on the basis of employees' perceptions of their organization's readiness for change by utilizing the Attitudes toward change concept by Dunham, Grube, Gardner, Cummings, and Pierce. The outcome of the study confirms that there were both strong and relatively weak Learning organization dimensions wielding varying levels of impact on the organizational (employees’) readiness for change. Empowerment and System Connection were among the dimensions which related strongly with the readiness for change variable, while Embedded systems was the weakest.Among the three levels of Learning in Organization, Individual and Organisational levels were perceived to be more conducive for Learning in the sample units of the study
Volume 11 | 10-Special Issue
Pages: 318-325
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP10/20192807