
Evaluating the Reliability Issues in Hybrid Mobile Application: My Astro App

Ahmed Saeed and Dr. Kesava Pillai A/ L Rajadorai

Today mobile application industry is booming due to the rapid increase of smartphone users and mobile apps are no longer an option, they are imperative in our everyday life. Developing a mobile application is challenging due to the fragmentation regarding mobile platforms and diversity of the market. However, most of these apps are not reliable in providing their promised business services to the customers. This research is based on the evaluating major reliability issues of “My Astro” hybrid mobile application which enables All-Asian Satellite Television and Radio Operator (Astro Malaysia) changes what’s on their television to our mobile devices. In this research reliability issues faced by the app users, tools and techniques that can be used to overcome this issues will be explained.

Volume 11 | 01-Special Issue

Pages: 1477-1484