
A Practicallity Analysis Of Collaborative Assessment Model Based On Ethnomathematics

Ratri Rahayu, Himmatul Ulya, Kartono, Isnarto

Based on a preliminary study conducted in Elementary Teacher Education Department at UniversitasMuria Kudus (PGSD UMK), it is found that lecturers did not involve students in implementing the assessment process. The students acted only as of the assessment objects and did not have any role in planning assessment as determining indicators, criteria, quality, and evaluation for themselves. This research is intended to analyze the practicality of the collaborative assessment model on the students and lecturers of PGSD UMK. The collaborative assessment model was developed by employing Borg and Gall’s model, which was modified. The steps of model development included preliminary study, product development and validation, and product testing. Product testing involved a small-scale test and large-scaled test. The practicality of the model was tested on a large scale with 166 fourth semester students and 4 lecturers of PGSD UMK as the subject. The practicality of the collaborative assessment model was assessed by using students’ and lecturers’ response questionnaires. The data of students’ response questionnaires showed that 87.35% of the students gave positive responses. Lecturers also gave positive responses towards collaborative assessment model with the score mean 3.65 on good category. This result indicates that collaborative assessment model which was developed in ethnomathematics subject is practical to use.

Volume 11 | Issue 7

Pages: 366-373