
Designing Main Educational Programs For Higher Educational Institutions

Elmira Ildarovna Nazmieva, Mayya Rashidovna Ziganshina, Luidmila Nikolaevna Abutalipova, Askar Ilshatovich Gali

Transformation of the Russian Higher Education system has required reformation of the Educational Standards and Programs. The transition from the traditional to a two-level tertiary education, including life-long and continuous education paradigm, has involved reconsideration of the curricular structures and approaches to training as a whole. The relevance of the article is conditioned by the current need to bring knowledge and skills acquired by students in the process of higher education to the present requirements of employers and industry not only within the domestic, but also for the international labor market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence of the University education main educational programs development as of today. The Educational Programs development is considered on the basis of modular and competence approaches. The principles and stages of pedagogical design development were studied, classification of the basic principles for University educational programs development has been analyzed. The scheme of design stages of main educational training programs for the higher school has been developed.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 1898-1903