One of the problems that communications systems have been experiencing for some time is the compatibility of the narrowband system (NWB) and UWB broadband system, to overcome the potential interference problem of the NWB in the broadband system, the use of the filtering feature is necessary in UWB as a solution to her Hence, an UWB antenna with scratch group role is greatly pursued after to disregard the nosey signals. This venture offerings a dense Ultra Wide Band probe with DB (Dual Band) serrated and necessary appearances of gain. That square patch antenna contains four corners shaped as the form of arcs of four slots with a truncated ground plane which feeds by a 50Ω micro strip line. on the proposed radiator will add double different H-shaped slots , DB- notch at the targeted Wi_MAX band (3.2 - 3.6) GHz and WLAN band (5.1 - 5.8) GHz are created. This antenna is simulated and designed successfully it's giving good impedance matching (2.6 GHz - 10.1 GHz). Furthermore, a compact size of that antenna 18 × 25 mm2 .which is simulated and Designed by using CST Microwave Studio software which is based on Finite Addition System (FIT).
Volume 11 | Issue 8
Pages: 137-142