
A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards CRM Practices of Banks in Sivakasi

C. Anupriya and Dr.V. Bharathi

Economic growth of India mainly depends on the active banking sector. The main goal banking sectors is to improve the profit of customers based on their requirements. Managing any kind of customers in the banking sectors is known to be main basement of economy growth. Thus the expected growth in economic can be achieved by focusing on the strengthening factors of the banking sectors. The main goal of this paper is to role of customer relationship management in the banking sectors located in the Sivakasi in the theoretical way. This paper will provide the detailed focus towards the different view of customers in terms of CRM policies implemented in the banking sector. Thus, author attempted to provide the view about the Indian banking sector in this paper. The main objective of this paper is to finding the merits and demerits of implementing the CRM in the banking sector and predicting the success features to lead to towards the better development and understanding of the CRM in the banking environment. And also this paper provides the clear understanding about the factors that would leads to better CRM practices.

Volume 11 | Issue 8

Pages: 94-99