The present paper is on a reliability model for a system with two types of repairman with the possibility of wrong diagnosis. Whenever the system gets failed, an assistant repairman, who remain always with the system, diagnoses the cause of failure and undertakes it for repair/replacement of the failed component. However, the chances of wrong diagnosis by him cannot be ruled out. After declaration of the completion of the repair/replacement of the concerned component by the ordinary repairman, an expert repairman is called to see whether the diagnosis/procedure adopted for repairing the unit was correct or not. If found correct, then the system is put into operation, else instructions are given to the assistant repairman by the expert regarding how and which component of the unit needs to be repaired/replaced and then the system is again undertaken by the assistant for correct diagnosis and then the repair is done perfectly by him. Various performability measures have been obtained stochastically and in steady state. Graphical analysis is also done.
Volume 11 | 01-Special Issue
Pages: 1293-1297