
Fuzzy Super Resolving Number of Fuzzy Labelling Graphs

R. Shanmugapriya and D. Mary Jiny

In this paper, the concept of resolving number in graph theory is defined for fuzzy graph called fuzzy super resolving number and we have defined fuzzy resolving number which is different from fuzzy super resolving number. If there exist a bijection between the set of all edges and vertices of the fuzzy graph G to [0,1], then Gis said to be fuzzy labeling graph. We have discussed the properties of fuzzy resolving number in fuzzy labeling graph and also proved that the dominating set of a fuzzy labeling graph is indepent, then it is a fuzzy super resolving set.

Volume 11 | 09-Special Issue

Pages: 606-611

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11/20192612