
Requirement Modelling of Mobile Application for Journal Submission

Azham Hussain,Hasyran Ezzat Harun,Idyawati Hussein,Shelena Soosay Nathan

The rapid growth of mobile application for the smartphone user creates a whole new modernization digital era that makes a certain task easier. In a day there are a lot of journals submitted by various authorize author. Mobile Application Development for Journal Submission will be a mobile platform for the author of the journal to submit their journal and monitored by the admin or the person in charge. Mobile Application Development for Journal Submission is an android base mobile application that gives the ability for the journal author to submit their journal by just using their smartphone at any time any place as long as there is an internet connection. One of the main objectives of this project is to make submitting and monitoring journal in the most practical ways. The scope of this application is for the educational institution to revolutionize the way of submitting journals. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is used in developing this application. RAD methodology has four phases which are requirement planning, user design, construction, and cutover. This application will have the main functionality such as register, login, manage journal, and monitor submitted journals. The functionality of the application was gathered through interviews and content analysis. From the requirement gather a prototype named Mobile Journal Submission (MJS) has been developed and a field study was carried out to evaluate the usability of the application. Many positive results collected during the evaluation. The Contribution of this study will be towards an understanding the system requirement and behavior of mobile application for journal submission.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 1012-1023