The emergence of the Mobile Food Delivery Aggregator (MFDA) app had changed the way restaurant business had been functioning. There had not been a channel of delivery or business channel through smart phones. It was conventional delivery model which was part of the restaurant business as an add-on service to satisfy the consumers. Whereas, on emergence of MFDA app, the hotel industries have created a new channel to serve the consumers. They engage much with these virtual customers who connects with them through the aggregator apps. Restaurant had created a new service desk to cater only to the virtual customers who connects with them through app. This model of the business had also created ripple in the market and in the socio-economic dimension of the society. Many of the lower middle class and middle-class men and women taken the job as the delivery person. In turn, many families live through this income and also increased their living standard. On studying the consumer intention to continuance usage would explain the future adoption and sustenance of the market which would have an effect on the restaurant industry, socio-economic condition of the employees and convenient service enjoyed by the consumers. The study was carried out using a hypothesized model based on Motivation, Satisfaction and attitude theories, framing an integrated model – SAMS. The major construct of the study were Satisfaction, Attitude, Utilitarian Motivation and Hedonic Motivation. The SAMS model was statistically proved using regression analysis.
Volume 11 | Issue 7
Pages: 119-128