
LCWOA based Hybrid Task Scheduling Approach in Cloud Computing Environment

N. Manikandan and A. Pravin

Task based scheduling is one of the major step that revolves around the process of cloud computing. The task schedule is processed to schedule the virtual machines through task scheduling and diminishes the makespan and cost. The task scheduling in cloud computing by various environment are recommended by various scholars for numbering these scheduled algorithms. This research highlights hybrid league champion algorithm by means of whale optimization algorithm founded on multi-objective model and substantiate that it reduces the make span and the cost. As the first step, the model of multi-objective evaluates the value of the fitness by evaluating the cost function of the central processing unit (CPU) and the memory. By adding the makespan and the cost function the value of the fitness is determined. The minimal cost and make span is achieved by the proposing task scheduling algorithm in combination with hybrid league algorithm and it schedules the task to the virtual machines in an optimization algorithm. The end result after deep analyzation the performance proposed by Hybrid LCWOA with the other obtainable algorithms like PSO, Firefly, and GA, for the testing evaluation, less makespan and cost is achieved only when Hybrid LCWOA is familiarised. To make it authentic in these finding, the highlighted Hybrid LCWOA concludes that minimum makespan and cost obtained.

Volume 11 | Issue 7

Pages: 94-108