Owing to storage and access of the computing applications, load balancing algorithms play a vital role in the next generation cloud computing. Load balancing, that is, allocation of tasks over the virtual machines (VMs) is crucial in efficient scheduling, distributing the tasks equally across all the VMs. Load balancing can support server less computing, volunteer computing, software define computing etc., which can be achieved by utilizing the resources effectively and fulfilling the end user requirements. This paper deals with the conceptual model for efficient resource management, improving the reliability of cloud services and providing the different load balancing algorithms such as static load balancing algorithms (SLBA), dynamic load balancing algorithms (DLBA), and dynamic nature inspired load balancing algorithms (NDLBA). According to experimental results, DLBA and NDLBA are more efficient than SLBA. This paper provides the future directions of the cloud computing.
Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue
Pages: 1715-1733