Child sexual abuse is much stronger and chronic in the society we are living. The more disturbing fact is that nobody in the society wants to talk about such a heinous crime. And in case anyone wants to talk is usually muted by the family and the relatives with respect to the society’s norms. Rather the victim analyses this situation as derogatory to the self-respect and consider the same for self-destruction. A large portion of the occasions, children feel that they are to blame and go in self-blame and self-sadness that may have much deadly outcomes later on in their life. The POCSO Act takes care that there are a lot of more grounded ventures for dodging re-exploitation. It likewise guarantees that there is sufficient child agreeable environment through all phases when the legal procedure is going on. The appropriate Act ensures to support law made for the best interest of the child (1).
Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue
Pages: 1689-1695