
A Human-Centric Smartization Strategy for Urban Regeneration New-deal Projects in Korea

Kil Pyo Hong

Many smart city development cases have been reported both domestically and abroad in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, but it seems to be over hanging on technology-centric approach focusing on technical solutions and platform. This study argues that there is a need to reinforce the human-centric approach for the promotion of smart cities, especially for small and medium cities. In particular, it proposes a human-centric smartization strategy and some methods suitable for Korea’s Urban Regeneration New-deal projects (URNPs) aiming at improvement of socio-economic life quality of local residents. The key proposal of the human-centric urban regeneration and smartization strategy results in the quadruple helix innovation model in the end. This strategy also emphasizes the use of methods such as multi-site living-labs network, where representatives and experts from different regions participate in a network-like manner, and they are seeking customized solutions to similar social issues together, and they can utilize various technical solutions through a sharing platform. Finally, this strategy goes beyond technology and hardware based regional development, and aims at social innovation in which various participants become project co-designer.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 1270-1278