
Antecedent Factors that Influence on the Practice of the Online PR Concept among Practitioners

Rasha Adel Ahmad Al-Yaqoub,Nik Adzrieman Bin Abdul Rahman,Mohd Zuwairi Bin Mat Saad

The usage of social media in public relations practice has become increasingly common because the Internet offers public relations practitioners unrivalled opportunities to gather information, solve many problems quickly and efficiently, monitor public opinions, and engage in direct dialogue with key publics regarding numerous issues. Whether positive or negative, many factors affect public relations practitioners depending on the political, social, economic ecosystems. This paper intends to show the antecedent factors that influence on the practice of the online PR concept among PR practitioners. A review of the literature suggests that scant research has studied the challenges and factors that PR practitioners face in using social media concerning the sources of rules and regulations like academic, cultural, financial, and legal sources.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 172-176