Multiple face recognition from single frame of image or from live video stream is still challenging task. The face detection and recognition is now becomes a booming research area in bio-metric security system administration. The facial bio-metric system divided into two broad classification such that face detection and recognition. This proposed work has utilized Viola Jones algorithm for face detection along with Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) for face recognition in class-room attendance management in an educational organization. Here, multiple face detection and recognition have been done for recognize faces of students irrespective of their location in the class room. Face-prints are assigned with a unique name which is the roll number of the corresponding student. Each recognized faces in the image, the corresponding number of the student retrieved and entries have been made on the database at each period. This proposed system saves the time, avoids proxy attendance and provide a better accuracy.
Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 2186-2194