
Racial Bias: The Destructive Force of Societal Harmony in America – A Study with Reference to the Works of Chitra Banerjee

H. Mohammed Azarudeen,Dr. Raji Dhinakar

This paper attempts to make a microscopic analysis of racial bias rampant in America and its impact on the life of Indian immigrants there as presented in the The Mistress of Spices and Queen of Dreams by Chitra BanerjeeDivakaruni. As such, it begins with a note on the origin and development of this cancerous diseases through the ages. Also the causes and consequences of this evil which saps the society are discussed in detail. Besides the self-elevated superiority complex of the dominant white Americans the mistaken identity of the immigrants as the usurpers of their rightful employment opportunities and the mistaken identity of the Punjabi Sikhs with turban and beard as the Arabs the suspect terrorists who masterminded the 9/15 attack of World Trade center are cited as reasons by Divakaruni in both of these novels. The fact that from the teen aged school boy Jaggit to the self-made businessmen like Mohan andJespal fall a prey to racist attack brings to limelight that the consolidated and concentrate venom of racism running through their vein for centuries would not allow the offenders to spare the victims on the ground of age, gender or position. HenceAlbert Einstein in unequivocal terms condemns racism as “America’s worst disease”. Besides diagnosing the disease. Divakaruniprescribes a remedy too. The changed mindset of the immigrants to integrate into the mainstreams of the host country and changed mindset of the host nation to encourage and welcome such a change is, according to Divakaruni, the panacea which, in the long run would prove beneficial to both.

Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue

Pages: 1987-1989