
Impact of Digital Marketing in Tourism in Oman

Roland Getaruelas

Omanis considered as favoritetourismdestination amongstmany gulf nations. Tourism is rapidlyemerging business in Oman and is known to have a better economic impact since it helps in employment generations, building better opportunities for small scale local business. Likewise, it supports transportation business. Tourism fascinatesmany to invest nevertheless there are a lot of openings in capitalizing by improving tourism in the times to come. This paperintends to measure the present tourism status of Oman that improved with the help of digital marketingand its prospects. It will also observe the omnipresence of new media and its amplifyingimportance in holding the favorite and preferred position in the world-class tourism. Total 150 samples have been collected through an online created link in order to fathom the thoughts of mass about digital marketing and its role in the tourism sector.Henceforth, this paper plans to examine how to employ digital marketing in order to inspire and expand domestic as well as international tourism in Oman. The findings offerunderstanding about the current situation of digital marketing; in spite of all efforts taken by Tourism Ministry and swelling penetration of digital marketing, more efforts and cognizance are known to be needed in order to improve the involvement of locals to make Oman, an international tourism destination. The nation’s digital-Oman vision plan 2020 incorporates e-Government with the issues of Digital Society. It also plans to form an efficientorganization providingimproved public services to individuals and brand Oman as a better foreign investment destination.Thus, this paper intends to unravel impact of digital marketing on tourism in Oman and the policies and strategies implemented by the government to improve tourism.

Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue

Pages: 1936-1945