
Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Power System Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Talari Praveen Kumar,R.Kiranmayi,

Automatic Generation Control (AGC) plays an important role in the power system to control the frequency and tie-line interchanges within the predefined limits by varying the power generation of electrical generators when the variations in the system frequency and tie-line loadings. This paper gives a new tuning methodology to control the multi-area load frequency systems. This methodology is a combination of a novel heuristic algorithm called Practical Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Logic (FL) to get desirable parameters of Proportional - Integral (PI) controllers. PSO continuously tunes the parameters of the proposed controller and membership functions of input and output to get best performance, stability and robustness against the unwanted conditions due to the external disturbances .This approach is applied to the four area power system network and compared the results with the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller, Optimal Fuzzy PID (OFPID) controller, Bat Fuzzy PI (BFPI) controllers and SAMBA fuzzy controller. Finally results conclude that PSOFuzzy PI(PSOFPI) controller gives the efficient results compare to the other methods.

Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue

Pages: 2341-2350